RESEARCH DEPARTMENT - Stavanger University Hospital
Clinical Research Unit
The Clinical Research Unit is a facility that provides research support to investigators in planning, organizing and conducting clinical studies.

We can offer
- Planning and practical facilitation of research projects and logistics.
- Liaison between the physician and the sponsor
- Patient follow-up
- Implementation of data collection and documentation of observations
- Receipt, storage and handling of investigational drugs
- Routine collection, centrifugation and freezing of blood samples
- Daily packaging and export of blood products with and without dry ice
- Facilitation and support for clinical studies conducted in clinical departments of the hospital
We aim to facilitate clinical studies by providing convenient and efficient services, and to ensure high-quality execution of projects, from patient inclusion, through data and material collection, to final reporting.
The Clinical Research Unit have specially trained medical, laborytory and technical staff, including several study nurses with broad clinical experience in addition to expertise of initiating new clinical studies.
Facilities and equipment
The Clinical Research Unit is located in the Heart Center building, second floor, with dedicated staff to meet the users needs.
The facility has four offices for patient consultation, in wich threee of the offices includes examination benches. A main examination room is equipped for sample and data collection, including blood pressure devices, altimeter, scale and ECG machine. Annual quality controls are carried out of all technical equipment used for data collection.

The facility also have a laboratory, and is further equipped with
- two centrifuges for room temperature and cooling treatment
- an incubator
- an ultra-freezer (-80 degrees C)
- freezer (-20 degrees C)
- refrigerators for drug storage/cooling products
- and a storage room for investigational drugs
Temperatures are logged with Bomerang connected to the SUS biobank system/alerts.
We also have dedicated office space for monitoring activities of ongoing studies, an archive room for short-term storage of study materials, and a conference room with projector.

Contact information