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Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

About 4800 women give birth at our Maternity Ward at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology every year. We are the local hospital for the population in Stavanger and surrounding areas. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology also offer a wide range of assessments and treatments for women's illnesses in general.

All women who are about to give birth should call the Admissions Line before going to the Women's Clinic (+47) 51 51 92 09.

The Admissions Line for women in labour is staffed by an experienced midwife, who will listen to what you have to say, provide advice and help you plan what to do next.

The Admissions Line is for acute problems (similar to the emergency telephone number 113). Unfortunately you cannot use this service to seek advice about matters that can wait or be discussed with your own GP, midwife or the Accident and Emergency Department. Sometimes we have to refer you to one of the above if they can deal with your problem.

When should you call the Admissions Line?

The Admissions Line should primarily be used to notify us that the birth has started and that you are on your way to the clinic. This gives the ward, where you are going to give birth, the time to plan for your arrival by preparing the delivery room and clarifying who will be responsible for welcoming and attending to you.

If you are uncertain whether the birth has started or if you experience any changes in your own or the child’s condition that worry you, you may also contact a midwife by calling the Admissions Line.

Important telephone numbers

  • Admissions line: 51 51 92 09
  • Maternity Ward direct: 51 51 94 80/81

Once you think labour has started it is a good idea to eat high-energy food. Do not drink milk as this is difficult to digest, but eat or drink other energy boosting snacks often during labour. Switch between activity and rest. Do whatever you had planned to do at home or go for a walk. Do not start to time the contractions too early. Check occasionally.

Call the Admissions line

  • When you have regular contractions about every 5 minutes which last for about 50-60 seconds. When the contractions get stronger you may get a "show" of mucous mixed with blood.
  • If you believe your waters have broken.
  • If the baby is less active or if there is a sudden change in activity
  • If you have constant stomach ache, a headache over your forehead, flashing before your eyes or blurred vision, pressure in your chest or you feel nauseous and very unwell.
  • After gestation week 23-24: Call the Maternity Ward directly if you suspect you have contractions, your waters have broken, or you are bleeding.

What you must bring with you

  • Health card for expectant mothers
  • Rhesus and blood group results, other blood test results, MRSA assessment during pregnancy, ultrasound form, and the completed "Tanker rundt fødsel (Thoughts about the birth)”.

What to bring in your hospital bag

  • Indoor shoes, washbag with toiletries, hair-dryer.
  • Nursing bras (make sure you don't buy them too small). Nursing inserts in wool are recommended.
  • Hat for the baby.
  • Clothes that are easy to breastfeed in, and that you can wear in the hotel restaurant. Net (disposable) pants which you can buy from the pharmacy, as these are not handed out at SUS. You will be given sanitary pads, and clothes, nappies, and a blanket for your baby while you are at the hospital.
  • Camera, and music if you want to listen to your own music during labour.
  • Mobile phone and charger.

NB! Do not bring valuables or a lot of cash.

If you have had a routine ultrasound scan at SUS (screening), you will receive an appointment to update your birth record at 36 weeks. (Innskriving i fødejournal). For others; self referral is available by phone; 51519476/51518171.

The appointment lasts max. 30 min and takes place on the 7th. floor in an office by the elevators. Please bring your personal health record, results of blood tests and other information relevant to giving birth and your stay at the clinic. The baby`s father is welcome to join you.

If for any reason you can not make the appointment, please let us know, and we can send you the form by post.

Have you been treated at a hospital outside the Nordic countries, or been resident at a refugee reception during the last year, we ask you to contact your doctor (fastlege) as soon as possible for tests regarding MRSA. It is important that the tests are done prior to admission, to avoid MRSA from becoming part of the bacterial flora at the clinic. MRSA is a bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics, for further information on MRSA: www.fhi.no

Stavanger Universitetssjukehus is a hospital with educational responsibilities. Practical teaching with guidance is invaluable to students. This is important, to ensure that midwifes, doctors, nurses and assistents achieve the necessary qualifications. We hope you will not mind students attending treatment and examination of you, they will be under guidance of trained professionals.





All women who are about to give birth should call the Admissions Line before going to the Women's Clinic (+47) 51 51 92 09


Contact point

Visiting adress:
Gerd Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8
4011 Stavanger


Parkeringshuset ligger under St. Svithun Hotell, og har 349 parkeringsplasser. Disse er forbeholdt besøkende til Stavanger universitetssjukehus og hotellet.


Det er mulighet for korttidsparkering ved hovedinngangen (max 15 min). ​

Parkering for bevegelseshemmede

Utenfor hovedinngangen (inngang 1) er det fire parkeringsplasser som er forbeholdt bevegelseshemmede.

​Parkering for langtidspårørende

Pårørende må betale full parkeringsavgift de tre første døgnene, deretter vil du kunne å kjøpe parkeringstillatelse til redusert pris.

​Ladestasjon for el-bil

Besøkende med el-bil parkerer i parkeringshuset under pasienthotellet, og betaler​ som vanlige gjester.

Les mer om parkering

General information

​Besøkstiden på sykehuset kan variere noe fra avdeling til avdeling, men de fleste har åpen besøkstid.

På noen avdelinger er det viktig å avtale besøk på forhånd, men ​​​​​​​​​de aller fleste avdelingene kan pasienter ta i mot besøk utenom avtalte tider. Det viktigste er at du/dere gir beskjed på vaktrommet at dere er der.

Av hensyn til andre pasienter, er det fint om dere går ut av rommet, for eksempel til en av oppholdsstuene.

​Det trådløse nettverket er gratis for pasienter, pårørende og besøkende. ​​Se etter gjest.ihelse.net på din mobil eller datamaskin.

Slik får du tilgang

Koble deg til i nettleseren din. Nettverket heter gjest.ihelse.net. Du blir bedt om å legge inn mobilnummeret ditt. Du trenger ikke oppgi andre opplysninger enn det. Brukernavn og passord får du tilsendt som en tekstmelding. Tilgangen varer i 24 dager.

​Vi legger til rette for at partner/ledsager kan være med den gravide/fødende. H​er finner du informasjon om hvilke tiltak som gjelder på poliklinikk, under fødsel (for eksempel keisersnitt) - og ved barselavdelingen og barselhotellet.

Geriatrisk poliklinikk har tilbud til ektefelle/samboer/partner til personer med demens om å delta i pårørendegrupper.

Pasienter med demenssykdom under 70 år kan delta i samtalegrupper.

Aktuelle deltakere er pasienter eller pårørende som har tilknytning til poliklinikken.