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The North Sea Race Endurance Exercise Study

NEEDED Research Program

Developing new systems to detect heart disease early on and to find optimal levels of physical activity for best health outcome.

A couple of men wearing headphones

Physical activity is important for general health. Exercisers live an average of 7 years longer than those who are physically inactive, and reduced fitness is one of the strongest indicators for development of cardiovascular disease and death. A challenge is that under the physical strain, there is a small increased risk of incidents in some vulnerable people who have heart disease. 

The aim of NEEDED's research program is to develop new systems that can detect heart disease earlier and optimize physical strain. This is done using exercise management parameters, which should help increase gains and reduce the risk of heart disease from physical strain.

  • Investigate the relationship between physical strain and changes in biomarkers (blood tests) and sensor data (heart rate monitors and wattage meters) before and after a physical load in people with and without cardiovascular disease.
  • Assess the ability of these markers to detect known and unknown disease.
  • Consider whether these markers can help increase the gain from physical strain in both healthy and sick individuals. 


Effect of exercise on cardiovascular disease

Physical inactivity is a growing health problem. The European time use survey (HETUS) shows that Norway is second to last in Europe when it comes to total daily physical activity related to transport, trips, exercise and sports. At the same time, there has been an increase in physical activity during leisure time during the period 1985-2011. Recreational exercise has therefore become increasingly important for public health. For many, exercise competitions such as the North Sea Race are an important motivating factor for training. 

The risk of sudden death during competitions are small. One death per million marathon hours has been calculated. In Vasaloppet (90 km cross-country skiing) there were a total of 13 deaths among a total of 698 102 participants in the period 1970-2005. In a large material from France, the risk of sudden cardiac death in elite athletes during training and competition is estimated at 4.6 deaths per million/year. In relation to the health benefits of exercising regularly, the risk of incidents during competition appears to be very small.

Current research is inadequate in several areas of exercise training: There is a lack of data on the benefits and risks of intensive physical activity in likely healthy exercisers and elite athletes.

Systematic collection of information with samples from blood, heart (ECG and ultrasound), heart rate monitors (heart rate and wattage values), information on training status and load intensity can help clarify the boundary between benefits and risks associated with physical activity. 


NEEDED Pilot Study 2013

The pilot study was related to the North Sea Race of 2013. It was conducted on a scale of 1:10 in relation to the main study and provided valuable information about participants, study design and follow-up. Out of a total of 160 who expressed interest, 97 people who completed the cycling race were included in the study.  

NEEDED Main Study 2014

The main study was carried out related to the North Sea Race of 2014. Here, all 1600 registered cyclists were invited to participate in the study. Of these, 1071 participants were included, of which 1013 carried out the project with all necessary measurements. Participants were surveyed 24 hours before the race, as well as 3 and 24 hours after completing the race.  

NEEDED Mechanism Study 2018

This study consisted of 59 participants from the North Sea Race of 2018 who had also participated in the North Sea Race affiliated with one of the NEEDED studies from 2013 and 2014, and were found to have normal coronary arteries without narrowing with CT coronary angiography. Extensive measurements were carried out before and after both races, which included blood tests, measurement of lactate, fitness tests (V02-max), ECG, blood pressure, sensor measurements and ultrasound of the heart. The purpose was to investigate the relationship between these measurements and physical strain.  

NEEDED Reproducibility

This study consisted of healthy subjects between the ages of 18-35 who performed fitness tests (VO2 max) before and after exercise, performed in the same manner, once a week, three weeks in a row. This was to investigate whether the same load gives the same values of different markers in the blood.

NEEDED Diagnostic

The first part of this study was conducted in 2022, where participants were exercisers with and without established heart disease. The group with established heart disease consisted of people who had undergone coronary angioplasty, but who had resumed prolonged high-intensity exercise. The physical load consisted of a short intensive training session until reaching the maximum performance level (VO2 max) and three longer training sessions, with the same intensity as with the short, but with increasing duration from 20 to 60 minutes. The purpose was to investigate whether there were different reactions to physical strain in the two groups.  

NEEDED TopAthletic

This study started in 2024 and will include healthy elite athletes between the ages of 18-35 over a period of two years. The purpose is to determine normal blood troponin levels of athletes. This is an important study to further investigate whether troponins can be used as biomarkers in predicting heart risk and performance in competition.  



  1. Kleiven Ø, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Melberg T, Skadberg Ø, Bergseth R, Selvåg J, Auestad B, Aukrust P, Aarsland T, Ørn S. High physical fitness is associated with reduction in basal and exercise induced inflammation. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017 Mar 17. doi: 10.1111/sms.12878. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28314078.
  2. Skadberg Ø, Kleiven Ø, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Melberg T, Bergseth R, Selvåg J, Auestad B, Greve OJ, Dickstein K, Aarsland T, Ørn S. Highly increased Troponin I levels following high-intensity endurance cycling may detect subclinical coronary artery disease in presumably healthy leisure sport cyclists: The North Sea Race Endurance Exercise Study (NEEDED) 2013. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 Jan 1:2047487317693130. doi: 10.1177/2047487317693130.
  3. Aakre KM, Kleiven Ø, Skadberg Ø, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Melberg T, Strand H, Hagve TA, Ørn S. The copeptin response after physical activity is not associated with cardiac biomarkers or asymptomatic coronary artery disease. Clin Biochem.2017 Oct 25. pii: S0009-9120(17)30829-9. 
  4. Długosz D, Królak A, Eftestøl TC, Ørn S, Wiktorski T, The North Sea Bicycle Race ECG Project: Time-Domain Analysis. Proceedings of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems pp. 1353–1356 DOI: 10.15439/2017F303 ISSN 2300-5963 ACSIS, Vol. 11
  5. Długosz, D., Królak, A., Eftestøl, T., Ørn, S., Wiktorski, T., Jenssen Oskal, K.R., Nygård, M. ECG signal analysis for troponin level assessment and coronary artery disease detection: The NEEDED study 2014 (2018) Proceedings of the 2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, FedCSIS 2018, art. no. 8511252, pp. 1065-1068. DOI: 10.15439/2018F247
  6. Skadberg Ø, Kleiven Ø, Ørn S, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Melberg TH, Omland T, Aakre KM. The cardiac troponin response following physical exercise in relation to biomarker criteria for acute myocardial infarction; the North Sea Race Endurance Exercise Study (NEEDED) 2013. Clin Chim Acta. 2018 Jan 20. pii: S0009-8981(18)30041-X. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2018.01.033. 
  7. Le, K., Eftestøl, T., Engan, K., Ørn, S., Kleiven, Ø. High frequency noise detection and handling in ECG signals (2018) European Signal Processing Conference, 2018-September, art. no. 8553046, pp. 46-50. DOI: 10.23919/EUSIPCO.2018.8553046
  8. Le, K., Eftestol, T., Engan, K., Kleiven, O., Orn, S. Invariant Mean Electrical Axis in Electrocardiogram (2018) Computing in Cardiology, 2018-September, art. no. 8744063,. DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2018.151
  9. Kleiven Ø, Omland T, Skadberg Ø, Melberg TH, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Auestad B, Bergseth R, Greve OJ, Aakre KM, Ørn S. Occult obstructive coronary artery disease is associated with prolonged cardiac troponin elevation following strenuous exercise. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Jun 1:2047487319852808. doi: 10.1177/2047487319852808. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31154829.
  10. Kleiven Ø, Omland T, Skadberg Ø, Melberg TH, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Auestad B, Bergseth R, Greve OJ, Aakre KM, Ørn S. Race duration and blood pressure are major predictors of exercise-induced cardiac troponin elevation. Int J Cardiol. 2019 May 15;283:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2019.02.044. Epub 2019 Feb 23. PubMed PMID: 30842026.
  11. Kleiven Ø, Ørn S. Endurance exercise and myocardial injury. Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 Feb;26(3):316-317. doi: 10.1177/2047487318815302. Epub 2018 Nov 30. PubMed PMID: 30744459.
  12. Kleiven Ø, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Omland T, Aakre KM, Frøysa V, Erevik CB, Greve OJ, Melberg TH, Auestad B, Skadberg Ø, Edvardsen T, Ørn S. Endurance exercise training volume is not associated with progression of coronary artery calcification. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2020 Jun;30(6):1024-1032. doi: 10.1111/sms.13643. Epub 2020 Mar 18. PMID: 32100340.
  13. Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Kleiven Ø, Auestad B, Eftestøl T, Oskal K, Nygård M, Skadberg Ø, Aakre KM, Melberg T, Gjesdal K, Ørn S. Duration of Elevated Heart Rate Is an Important Predictor of Exercise-Induced Troponin Elevation. J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 Feb 18;9(4):e014408. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.119.014408. Epub 2020 Feb 17. PMID: 32065043; PMCID: PMC7070191. 
  14. Wiktorski T, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Ørn S. Methods for preprocessing time and distance series data from personal monitoring devices MethodsX. 2020; 7: 100959.  Published online 2020 Jun 12. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2020.100959 PMCID: PMC7334486
  15. Królak A, Wiktorski T, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Ørn S. Artifact Correction in Short-Term HRV during Strenuous Physical Exercise. Sensors (Basel). 2020 Nov 8;20(21):6372. doi: 10.3390/s20216372. PMID: 33171676 
  16. Skranes JB, Kleiven Ø, Aakre KM, Skadberg Ø, Melberg TH, Omland T, Ørn S. High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I and T Response Following Strenuous Activity is Attenuated by Smokeless Tobacco: NEEDED (North Sea Race Endurance Exercise Study) 2014.J Am Heart Assoc. 2020 Oct 20;9(19):e017363. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.120.017363. PMID: 32930023
  17. Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Erevik CB, Kleiven Ø, Eijsvogels TMH, Skadberg Ø, Frøysa V, Wiktorski T, Auestad B, Edvardsen T, Moberg Aakre K, Ørn S. Determinants of Interindividual Variation in Exercise-Induced Cardiac Troponin I Levels. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 Sep 7;10(17):e021710. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.021710. Epub 2021 Aug 28. PMID: 34459237; PMCID: PMC8649268.
  18. Aengevaeren VL, Baggish AL, Chung EH, George K, Kleiven Ø, Mingels AMA, Ørn S, Shave RE, Thompson PD, Eijsvogels TMH. Exercise-Induced Cardiac Troponin Elevations: From Underlying Mechanisms to Clinical Relevance. Circulation. 2021 Dec 14;144(24):1955-1972. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056208. Epub 2021 Dec 13. PMID: 34898243; PMCID: PMC8663527.
  19. Hansen MW, Ørn S, Erevik CB, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MF, Skadberg Ø, Melberg TH, Aakre KM, Kleiven Ø. Regular consumption of cod liver oil is associated with reduced basal and exercise-induced C-reactive protein levels; a prospective observational trial : A NEEDED (The North Sea Race Endurance Exercise Study) 2014 sub-study. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2021 Jun 28;18(1):51. doi: 10.1186/s12970-021-00437-1. PMID: 34183020; PMCID: PMC8240263.
  20. J Svane, T Wiktorski, S Ørn, TC Eftestøl Recurrent Neural Networks for Artifact Correction in HRV Data During Physical Exercise Nordic Machine Intelligence 3 (1), 11-11 2023
  21. Erevik CB, Kleiven Ø, Frøysa V, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Chivulescu M, Klæboe LG, Dejgaard L, Auestad B, Skadberg Ø, Melberg T, Urheim S, Haugaa K, Edvardsen T, Ørn S. Myocardial inefficiency is an early indicator of exercise-induced myocardial fatigue Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 9, 2023 1081664
  22. Svane J, Wiktorski T, Ørn S, Eftestøl TC. Optimizing support vector machines and autoregressive integrated moving average methods for heart rate variability data correction. MethodsX. 2023 Sep 16;11:102381. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2023.102381. PMID: 37753351; PMCID: PMC10518477.
  23. Erevik CB, Kleiven Ø, Frøysa V, Bjørkavoll-Bergseth M, Chivulescu M, Klæboe LG, Dejgaard L, Auestad B, Skadberg Ø, Melberg T, Urheim S, Haugaa K, Edvardsen T, Ørn S. Echocardiographic assessment of myocardial efficiency predicts exercise performance. Eur J Sport Sci. 2024;24:319–329. DOI: 10.1002/ejsc.12082
  24. Bjorkavoll-Bergseth M, Erevik C, Kleiven Ø, Wiktorski T, Auestad B, Skadberg Ø, Aakre KM, Eijsvogels TMH, Ørn S. The relationship between workload and exercise-induced cardiac troponin elevations is influenced by non-obstructive coronary atherosclerosis. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2024;34:e14667. DOI: 10.1111/sms.14667
  25. Erevik CB, Kleiven Ø, Frøysa Ø, Bjørkavoll‐Bergseth M, Chivulescu M, Klæboe LG, Dejgaard L, Auestad B, Skadberg Ø, Melberg T, Urheim S, Haugaa K, Edvardsen T, Ørn S. Exercise‐Induced Cardiac Troponin I Elevation Is Associated With Regional Alterations in Left Ventricular Strain in High‐Troponin Responders. J Am Heart Assoc. 2024 July 2; e034382; https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/epub/10.1161/JAHA.124.034382 


Organisation and responsibilities

The project group is responsible for the medical-professional development of the project, obtaining statutory and internal approvals, organisation and progress within established budgets, and all publication. The rights to the study and publication of the results are owned by the project group. 

The steering group is responsible for contracts, media plan and media strategy, and supervise that projects are carried out within the formal approvals and agreements that is in place, at any given time.

Helse Stavanger HF, represented by the Research Director, is responsible for project compliance to the Health Research Act. The NEEDED projects follows Helse Stavanger's internal research routines, are registered in Helse Stavanger's internal project registry and stores sensitive data on the Western Norway Regional Health Authority secure research server.

The business aspects and agreements involved in NEEDED projects are handled according to internal routines in Helse Stavanger HF and Stavanger Helseforskning AS, on behalf of the project organization.

Project group

  • Aina Andreassen, general manager of the North Sea Race
  • Anders Galaasen Bakken MChiro, PhD
  • Magnus Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MD
  • Rolf Bergseth MD
  • Stein Ørn (project leader) MD, PhD, Professor II
  • Tor Harald Melberg MD, PhD, associate professor
  • Øyunn Kleiven MD, PhD
  • Øyvind Skadberg MD


Steering group

  • Aina Andreassen, general manager of the North Sea Race
  • Anders Galaasen Bakken MChiro, PhD
  • Magnus Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MD
  • Rolf Bergseth MD
  • Stein Ørn (project leader) MD, PhD, Professor II
  • Tor Harald Melberg MD, PhD, associate professor
  • Øyunn Kleiven MD, PhD
  • Øyvind Skadberg MD


Other members and student contributions

Post doc

  • Anders Galaasen Bakken (SUH)


PhD students

  • Christine Bjørkvik Erevik MD (UiB), ongoing
  • Ida Høiland Hove MD (UiB), ongoing
  • Jakob Svane Siv.ing (UiS), ongoing
  • Magnus Bjørkavoll-Bergseth MD (UiB), ongoing
  • Øyunn Kleiven (UiB), completed


Master's students

  • Kay Raymond Jenssen Oskal (UiS), completed
  • Martin Anders Nygård (UiS), completed
  • Martin Tronstad Schau (UiS), completed
  • Vegard Nessa (UiS), completed


From the North Sea Race

  • Aina Andreassen


From Helse Stavanger HF

  • Anne Hjelle
  • Stein Ørn


Contact information

E-mail: Neededtopathletic@gmail.com

Address: NEEDED-senteret, Jærveien 107, 4318 Sandnes



Media contributions:

NRK 2024 Viking-talent Jone Berg (19) må legge opp på grunn av hjertefeil (nrk.no)
Aftenbladet 2024 Håvard (22) fikk hjertestans da han lå og sov: Ble reddet av kjæresten (aftenbladet.no)
NRK 2024 Ny forskning gir svar på underliggende hjerteproblem (nrk.no)
Aftenbladet 2023 Her søker legen svar som kan gi vikingspillerne en stor fordel (aftenbladet.no)
Jærbladet 2023 Nærbo kiropraktor og hjertespesialist Stein Ørn skal forske på lokale toppidrettsutøvere (jbl.no)
Idrettsforbundet 2023 Vi oppfordrer 200 toppidrettsutøvere fra Rogaland til å delta i en livsviktig forskningsstudie (idrettsforbundet.no) 
Lavterskel podcast 2023 Podcast - Lavterskel (apple.com)
Dagsavisen 2023 Ap-Jacobsen innlagt med hjerteproblemer: Glad jeg var modig nok til å ringe 113 (dn.no)
Jærradioen 2023 Delte sine beste tips for årets ritt (jaerradioen.no) 
Landsforeningen for Hjerte og Lungesyke (LHL) 2022 LHL gir støtte til ekkomaskin i viktig hjertestudie (lhl.no) 
NRK 2021 Ny studie slår fast: Tran funker mye bedre enn all annet kosttilskudd (nrk.no)
Aftenbladet 2021 Nytt forskningssenter på sandnes åpnet i dag. Ingen har gjort dette før (aftenbladet.no)
VG 2021 Ny forskning på trening: Derfor bør du ta tran og droppe omega-3 (vg.no)
Proteinfabrikken 2021 Tran den virkelige game changeren (proteinfabrikken.no)
Forskning.no 2021 Mosjonister som tok tran jevnlig var mindre støle etter langt sykkelritt (forskning.no)
Dagsavisen 2021 Åpner unikt hjerteforskningssenter (dagsavisen.no)
ConocoPhillips 2021 ConocoPhillips supports a new research center in Sandnes (conoconphillips.no)
Aftenbladet 2020 SUS-leger på sporet av livreddende blodprøve (aftenbladet.no)
ISSUU - Romjulsmagasinet 202 2020 Needed-studien får eget testsenter (issuu.com) 
Dagens Næringsliv 2019 Blodslitet (dn.no)
Aftenbladet 2018 Syklingen deres kan redde livet ditt (aftenbladet.no)
VG 2018 Stein Ørn om hjerteproblemer hos utøevere vanskelig å fange opp (vg.no)
HelseVestRHF 2018 Forskning og innovasjon til pasientens beste (helse-vest.no)
NRK 2017 Advarer mot å la seg skremme ned i sofaen (nrk.no)
Forskning.no 2017 Blodprove kan redde friske mosjonister fra hjertestans (forskning.no)
Dagens Medisin 2017 Utvikler blodprøve test som skal avsløre hjertesykdom (dagensmedisin.no)
Bioingeniøren.no 2017 Nå kommer det forskningsresultater fra Stavangers store blodprovedugnad (bioingeniøren.no)
NRK 2014 Ingenting tydet på at noe var galt (nrk.no)
NRK 2014 Hvor mye trening er sunt (nrk.no)
Aftenbladet 2014 Tusen skal testes i turnhallen (aftenbladet.no)
Aftenbladet 2014 Er trening virkelig sunt (aftenbladet.no)

Research Group of Cardiology

Focus on research in acute myocardial infarction and cardiac arrest – including invasive diagnostics and treatment, as well as heart failure, rhythm disturbances, exercise and sports cardiology.
For more information
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Last updated 10/1/2024