
A man smiling for the camera

Thomas Werner Lindner

Manager RAKOS

thomas.werner.lindner@sus.no 93 25 98 89
A man wearing glasses

Conrad Arnfinn Bjørshol


conrad.arnfinn.bjorshol@sus.no 99 73 38 18
A man with a mustache

Jan Sigurd Moy

Project and Emergency preparedness

jan.sigurd.moy@jdps.no 92 82 57 29
A man with a beard

Roger Lynghamar

Professional consultant Ambulance

roger.lynghamar@helse-fonna.no 92 66 48 41
A man wearing glasses

Michael Busch

Emergency Medical advisor

michael.busch@hsr.as 40 53 92 98
A close-up of a woman smiling

Fride Kirkebø

Professional Coordinator AMK

fride.kirkebo@helse-forde.no 90 65 37 69
A man with a beard

Jan Arvid Grimsrud

Registers - The Cardiac arrest register

jan.arvid.grimsrud@sus.no 92 82 77 42
A woman with long hair

Hege Kristin Kjærvoll

PhD Fellow

hege.kristin.kjervoll@sus.no 93 22 61 11
A close-up of a woman smiling

Anna Marie Moe Øvstebø

Special consultant - Follow-up First aiders

anna.marie.moe.ovstebo@sus.no 98 61 11 55
A man smiling for the camera

Nedim Leto

Medical Research Track Student​

nedim.leto@sus.no 48 11 16 43
Last updated 12/12/2023