Application funds
According to RAKOS’ task description, RAKOS will support research and development. Practically, this means that RAKOS supports projects that contribute to increased quality, competence and effectiveness in the prehospital services in Helse Vest.

Who can apply?
Employees in prehospital emergency medicine in Helse Vest or ties to Helse Vest.
The project has to:
- Have good scientific quality and a clearly formulated goal.
- Contribute to increased quality and have the ability to meet needed skills in future prehospital services.
- Strengthen the knowledge basis in the topics prioritised areas.
- Have a clear and prioritised foundation in applicants (RAKOS).
- Have a plan for informing and production of the results, which ensure the sharing of knowledge and implementation with relevant target groups.
- Plan for reports to be delivered whilst the project is ongoing.
- In the case of media coverage, it shall be mentioned that RAKOS is supporting it financially.
The application must include:
- Project plan with milestones and timelines
- Budget
- List of all the project members – this is binding unless otherwise agreed
- Plan for presentation of the results
Sist oppdatert 13.12.2023