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Stavanger University hospital

Center for alcohol and drug research (KORFOR)

The research group for drug research is involved in research, education and development of the alcohol and drug field.

In Norwegian
Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research (KORFOR) at Stavanger University Hospital (SUH) is a multidisciplinary regional competence center investigating a multitude of aspects related to addiction.
KORFORs mandate include research, service development, networking and education, and serves as a networking organization that both initiates and participates in projects locally, nationally and internationally.​ KORFOR is also the coordinator of the National quality register for the treatment of harmful substance use or addiction (KVARUS). ​
We are in close collaboration service users, carers, health professionals and policy makers. ​ and professional development, networking and education in the field of substance abuse and addiction. 

KORFOR research group

KORFOR research group is organized at the Centre for alcohol and drug research (KORFOR) at Stavanger University Hospital, and is led by Torgeir Gilje Lid (M.D., PhD) and Aleksander H. Erga (Prof).
The research group collaborates with several national and international partners, and is currently involved in 20 different research project. These projects are primarily interdisciplinary studies and includes cohort studies, qualitative studies, clinical interventions and register studies.

The research group is a dynamic team of members with a variety of specialities, within the fields of psychology, sosiology, medicine, general health and living conditions.​ This includes the two research group leaders that are specialists within separate fields. As of january 2024, seven PhD-candidates and three post docs positions are associated with KORFOR.
En mann med briller

Torgeir Gilje Lid

Research leader +47 481 87 477

Research leader Torgeir Gilje Lid, MD PhD, specialist in family medicine. Lid has extensive clinical experience from primary care, and also from specialized drug treatment and community medicine. His research focuses on alcohol-related health problems in primary care and in somatic hospital wards, iatrogenic opioid addiction, and health behaviours and physical health among patients with long-standing alcohol or drug problems, exploring patient trajectories, testing interventions and investigating implementation aspects. Lid is an associate professor in public health at the University of Stavanger. 

Aleksander Hagen Erga

Aleksander H. Erga

Psychologist / Prof / Research leader +47 900 16 644

Research leader Aleksander H. Erga, PhD, is a clinical psychologist specialized in addiction psychology. His research spans a multitude of themes in addiction, including cognition, mental health, recovery, behavioral addictions, and addiction in neurodegenerative disorders. Erga is professor in psychology at the University of Stavanger. Erga open for PhD-applicants. 

The KORFOR research group.


The KORFOR research group regularily publish new scientific publications, as well as educational material. See: list of publications (


For more information about each project, follow links below


BrukerPlan is a mapping tool for municipalities that want an overview of the health and life situation and use of services for people with substance use or mental health problems.
For more information: ​BRUKERPLAN (
Foto: BrukerPlan


KORFOR research group aims at high level of user involvement in every part of their work, as stated in: Research collaboration at KORFOR - policy document ( ​
For project site in Norwegian, please visit: KORFOR (
Sist oppdatert 03.03.2025