Centre for Alcohol and Drug Research (KORFOR) at Stavanger University Hospital (SUH) is a multidisciplinary regional competence center investigating a multitude of aspects related to addiction.
KORFORs mandate include research, service development, networking and education, and serves as a networking organization that both initiates and participates in projects locally, nationally and internationally. KORFOR is also the coordinator of the National quality register for the treatment of harmful substance use or addiction (KVARUS).
We are in close collaboration service users, carers, health professionals and policy makers. and professional development, networking and education in the field of substance abuse and addiction.
KORFOR research group
KORFOR research group is organized at the Centre for alcohol and drug research (KORFOR) at Stavanger University Hospital, and is led by Torgeir Gilje Lid (M.D., PhD) and Aleksander H. Erga (Prof).
The research group collaborates with several national and international partners, and is currently involved in 20 different research project. These projects are primarily interdisciplinary studies and includes cohort studies, qualitative studies, clinical interventions and register studies.
For project site in Norwegian, please visit: KORFOR (helse-stavanger.no)
Sist oppdatert 03.03.2025