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Center for alcohol and drug research (KORFOR)


A national health registry

​BrukerPlan is a mapping tool for municipalities that want an overview of the health and life situation and use of services for people with substance use or mental health problems. The results of the survey are used for the development of services, planning work, applications for project funding and collaboration with individual users and specialist health services. The municipalities receive a report shortly after the survey has been completed. Health Stavanger also prepares regional and national reports on the survey. 
An important part of the survey describes the recipients' daily functioning in eight areas of living conditions: housing situation, work and meaningful activity, economic situation, physical health, mental health, substance use, social functioning and social network. The annual report 2019 includes information on almost 60.000 service users in municipalities covering 80% of the national population.
For project site in Norwegian, click here: BRUKEPLAN (

Center for alcohol and drug research (KORFOR)

KORFOR conducts research and professional development, networking and education in the field of substance abuse. KORFOR serves as a networking organization that both initiates and participates in projects locally, nationally and internationally.
Research at KORFOR (
Grafisk brukergrensesnitt
Sist oppdatert 03.03.2025