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Aarø, L., T. Nilsen, M. Knapstad, J. C. Skogen, R. Nes, Ø. Vedaa and K. Klepp (2024). "The Norwegian Counties Public Health Survey (NCPHS)." European Journal of Public Health 34(Supplement_3): ckae144. 2118.
Aarø, L. E., M. Knapstad, T. Nilsen, J. C. Skogen, R. B. Nes, T. Leino, I. A. Riise, R. Johansen, L. Grøtvedt and Ø. Vedaa (2024). "The Norwegian Counties Public Health Survey (NCPHS): a design study." Scandinavian Journal of Public Health: 14034948241287853.
Andersen, A. I. O., T. R. Finserås, G. J. Hjetland, T. Bøe, B. Sivertsen, I. Colman, R. T. Hella and J. C. Skogen (2024). "Can Social Media Use Be More Health-Promoting? Description and Pilot Evaluation of a School-Based Program to Increase Awareness and Reflection on the Use of Social Media." SAGE Open 14(2): 21582440241249538.
Alpers, S. E., K. T. Druckrey-Fiskaaen, T. Madebo, J. H. Vold, S. Pallesen, J. C. Skogen, L.-H. Lunde, S. Mæland and L. T. Fadnes (2024). "The association of psychological distress and economic and health worries with tobacco smoking behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic: a two-year longitudinal cohort study." BMC Public Health 24(1): 375.
Askeland, Kristin Gärtner; Lorentsen, Elise Samset; Raes, Emilie; Kjølbro, Gunnleyg; Heradstveit, Ove; Hysing, Mari. Physical Activity and School Achievement and School Absence in Norwegian Adolescents. Child & Youth Services 2024
Brunborg, G. S., L. Bang, J. C. Skogen and J. Burdzovic Andreas (2024). "Depressive symptoms, conduct problems and alcohol use from age 13 to 19 in Norway: evidence from the MyLife longitudinal study." Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health 18(1): 127.
Danielsen, H. E., T. R. Finserås, A. I. O. Andersen, G. J. Hjetland, V. Woodfin and J. C. Skogen (2024). "Mirror, mirror on my screen: Focus on self-presentation on social media is associated with perfectionism and disordered eating among adolescents. Results from the LifeOnSoMe”-study." BMC Public Health 24(1): 2466.
Furuhaug, Rebekka; Markussen, Vivian; Hysing, Mari; Nilsen, Sondre Aasen; Heradstveit, Ove; Askeland, Kristin Gärtner. Mental health, negative life events and resilience among adolescents in contact with the child welfare services. Children and Youth Services. Review 2024 ;Volum 161.
Vendela Husberg-Bru, Laila A. Hopstock, Jens C. Thimm, Torgeir Gilje Lid, Kamilla Rognmo, Catharina Elisabeth Arfwedson Wang & Kristin Gustavson. Potentially traumatic events and the association with hazardous alcohol use in 19,128 middle aged and elderly adults: the Tromsø Study 2015–2016. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 10.1007/s00127-024-02801-3
Høibø T, Skurtveit SO, Lid TG. Is General Practitioner Involvement in the Initiation of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain Associated with Opioid Dose and Concurrent Drug Use? Scand J Prim Health Care. 2024.
Sebastian Potthoff, Håvar Brendryen, Haris Bosnic, Anne Lill Mjølhus Njå, Tracy Finch, Torgeir Gilje Lid
Recommendations for implementing digital alcohol interventions in primary care: lessons learned from a Norwegian feasibility study
Kronikk i Tidsskrift for den norske legeforening tirsdag 26. november 2024 basert på artikkelen: Bedre tilrettelegging av helsetjenesten for rusmiddelavhengige
Trond Høibø, Svetlana Skurtveit og Torgeir Gilje Lid Opioider på blå resept mot langvarige smerter – en spørreundersøkelse til fastleger. NORSK FARMACEUTISK TIDSSKRIFT 8/2024
Unn Elisabeth Hammervold, Silje Gytri, Marianne Storm, Torgeir Gilje Lid & Hildegunn Sagvaag. What is known about persons with co-occurring problems’ experiences with supported housing, recovery, and health promotion? A scoping review | BMC Health Services Research
Kvia A, Selbekk AS, Sagvaag H. Connection, hope, and reciprocal valuation: Experiences of participating in the peer-led course “Recovery is up to you”. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/14550725241301193
Bach, J. S.†, Grønnestad, T. E.†, Selbekk, A. S.†, Bye, V. H., & Skjong, A. (2024). Care, co-survival, and decency: expanding the understanding of outdoor life and smaller alcohol and drug scenes in Denmark and Norway. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1233701.
Kvia A, Selbekk AS, Sagvaag H. Connection, hope, and reciprocal valuation: Experiences of participating in the peer-led course “Recovery is up to you”. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2024;0(0). doi:10.1177/14550725241301193
Lehmann, S., J. C. Skogen, G. M. Sandal, R. Bjørknes, E. Haug, L. T. Fadnes, S. Mæland and B. S. M. Haugland (2024). "Stress and coping strategies among youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: a population-based cohort study." International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 29(1): 2331593.
Leino, T., T. R. Finserås, J. C. Skogen, S. Pallesen, J. H. Kristensen, R. A. Mentzoni and B. Sivertsen (2024). "Examining the relationship between non-suicidal self-harm and suicidality within the past 12-months and gaming problems in Norwegian full-time students." BMC psychiatry 24(1): 234.
Moe, FD., Erga, AH., Bjørnestad, J.; Dettweiler, U. The interdependence of substance use, satisfaction with life, and psychological distress. A dynamic structural equation model analysis. Frontiers of Psychiatry 15 (2024).
Mohaupt, H., & Selbekk, A. S. (2024). Positioning and self-presentation as fathers by men in treatment for intimate partner violence. Psychology of Violence, 14(2).
Nesvåg, S. Bergqvist, P., Dahlberg, I.E. & McKay, J.R. (2024). Leaving the Norwegian opioid maintenance treatment program - patient experiences. BMC Health Services Research (2024) 24:1
Vigdal, M. I., Svendsen, T. S., Moltu, C., Bjornestad, J., & Selseng, L. B. (2024). Stories of building friendships during long-term recovery from problematic substance use. Qualitative Social Work, 0(0).
Elise Constance Fodstad, Aleksander Hagen Erga, Ståle Pallesen, Anastasia Ushakova, Eilin Kristine Erevik, Personality traits as predictors of recovery among patients with substance use disorder, Journal of Substance Use and Addiction Treatment, Volume 162,2024,209360, ISSN 29498759,
Erga, A. H., Ushakova, A., Elstad, M., Fodstad, E. C., & Belfrage, A. (2024). The Relationship Between Self-Reported Childhood Maltreatment and Mental Health in Substance Use Disorders: A 6-Year Retrospective Analysis. Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 1–13.
Furulund, E., Carlsen, SE.L., Druckrey-Fiskaaen, K.T. et al. A qualitative study of experiences with physical activity among people receiving opioid agonist therapy. Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 19, 26 (2024).
Furulund, E., Druckrey-Fiskaaen, K.T., Carlsen, SE.L. et al. Healthy eating among people on opioid agonist therapy: a qualitative study of patients’ experiences and perspectives. BMC Nutr 10, 70 (2024).
Sivertsen, B., J. C. Skogen, A. Reneflot, M. Knapstad, O. R. F. Smith, L. E. Aarø, B. Kirkøen, B. O. Lagerstrøm and A. K. S. Knudsen (2024). "Assessing Diagnostic Precision: Adaptations of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-5/10/25) Among Tertiary-Level Students in Norway." Clinical Psychology in Europe 6(4): 1-18.
Skogen, J. C., M. M. Thørrisen, A. K. S. Knudsen, A. Reneflot and B. Sivertsen (2024). "Screening student drinking behaviors: examining AUDIT criterion validity using CIDI-based alcohol use disorder as the ‘gold standard’." Frontiers in public health 12: 1328819.
Stokkebekk, J. and Selbekk, A. S. (2024). Analyse med bruk av posisjoneringsteori. I Lorås, Lennart og Ness, Otta (Red.) Håndbok i kvalitativ forskning. For psykologi, helsefag og sosialfag. Fagbokforlaget, Oslo
Van der Velde, L., A. N. Shabaan, A. Månsson, P. Wennberg, P. Allebeck, T. G. Karlsson, P. Flodin, T. A. Eikemo, A. K. Skrindo Knudsen, I. de Soysa, J. C. Skogen et al. (2024). "Alcohol-attributed disease burden and formal alcohol policies in the Nordic countries (1990–2019): an analysis using the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019." European Journal of Public Health: ckae195.
Vestergaard, C. L., J. C. Skogen, M. Hysing, A. G. Harvey, Ø. Vedaa and B. Sivertsen (2024). "Sleep duration and mental health in young adults." Sleep Medicine 115: 30-38.
Vigdal, M. I., Svendsen, T. S., Moltu, C., Bjornestad, J., & Selseng, L. B. (2024). Stories of building friendships during long-term recovery from problematic substance use. Qualitative Social Work, 0(0). Stories of building friendships during long-term recovery from problematic substance use - Mariann Iren Vigdal, Thomas Solgaard Svendsen, Christian Moltu, Jone Bjornestad, Lillian Bruland Selseng, 2024 (
Furulund, E., Madebo, T., Druckrey-Fiskaaen, K.T. et al. Integrated exercise program in opioid agonist therapy clinics and effect on psychological distress: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial (BAReAktiv). Trials 25, 155 (2024).
Fredrik D. Moe, Aleksander Erga, Jone Bjornestad, Ulrich Dettweiler. The interdependence of substance use, satisfaction with life, and psychological distress: a dynamic structural equation model analysis.
Hetland, J., Lundervold, A. J., & Erga, A. H. (2024). Cognitive impairment as a predictor of long-term psychological distress in patients with polysubstance use disorders: a prospective longitudinal cohort study. BMC Psychiatry, 24(1).
Bramness JG, Lien L, Moe JS, Toft H, Pandey S, Lid TG, Strømmen M, Andersen JR, Bolstad I. Bariatric surgery patients in AUD treatment in Norway—an exploratory cross-sectional study. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2024.
Odsbu I, Hjellvik V, Handal M, Hamina A, Clausen T, Lid TG, Borchgrevink PC, Skurtveit S. Psykiske lidelser og plager ved vedvarende opioidbruk for langvarige ikke-kreftrelaterte smerter – en registerstudie. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen. 2024. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0414
Finserås Turi Reiten. Hjetland Gunnhild Johnsen. Sivertsen Børge. Colman Ian. Hella Randi Træland. Andersen Amanda Iselin Olesen. Skogen Jens Christoffer. Reexploring Problematic Social Media Use and Its Relationship with Adolescent Mental Health. Findings from the "LifeOnSoMe"-Study Psychology research and behavior management 2023. PMID 38144231
Knudsen, A. K. S., Aronsson, A. E., Flodin, P., Eikemo, T. A., Bangah, P. R., Skogen, J. C., Gissler, M., Rönkä, S., McGrath11, J. J., & Sigurvinsdóttir14, R. Disease Burden Attributed to Drug use in the Nordic Countries: A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2019 International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1-32. 2023
Arjmand Elaheh Javadi. Skogen Jens Christoffer. Vold Jørn Henrik. Alpers Silvia Eiken. Arnesen Erik Kristoffer. Mæland Silje. Fadnes Lars Thore. Changes in Body Mass Index and Their Associations with Psychological Distress, Worries, and Emotional Eating during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Norwegian Cohort Study Nutrients 2023. PMID 37686867
Alpers Silvia Eiken. Pallesen Ståle. Vold Jørn Henrik. Haug Ellen. Lunde Linn-Heidi. Skogen Jens Christoffer. Mamen Asgeir. Mæland Silje. Fadnes Lars Thore. The association between psychological distress and alcohol consumption and physical activity: a population-based cohort study. Frontiers in psychiatry 2023. PMID 37426109
Langaas, A G. Svendsen, T S. Sylliaas, H. VM i gatefotball-en arena for støtte, samhandling og læring Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid Vol. 20 nr. 2 2023
Aarø, L., Leino, T., Vedaa, Ø., Knapstad, M., Skogen, J., Nilsen, T., Svalebjørg, M., & Klepp, K.-I. Behavioural precautions to avoid transmission of the COVID-19 virus–low educated groups are not always lagging behind. Journal of Health Inequalities, 8(1). 2023
Aarø Leif Edvard. Ohm Eyvind. Skogen Jens Christoffer. Nilsen Thomas. Knapstad Marit. Vedaa Øystein. Nes Ragnhild Bang. Clarsen Benjamin. Klepp Knut-Inge. A cross-sectional study of the relationship between injuries and quality of life, psychological distress, sleeping problems, and global subjective health in adults from three Norwegian counties Health and quality of life outcomes 2023. PMID 37919801
Skogen Jens Christoffer. Andersen Amanda Iselin Olesen. Finserås Turi Reiten. Ranganath Priya. Brunborg Geir Scott. Hjetland Gunnhild Johnsen. Commonly reported negative experiences on social media are associated with poor mental health and well-being among adolescents: results from the "LifeOnSoMe"-study. Frontiers in public health 2023. PMID 37333520
Sivertsen Børge. Knudsen Ann Kristin Skrindo. Kirkøen Benedicte. Skogen Jens C. Lagerstrøm Bengt Oscar. Lønning Kari-Jussie. Kessler Ronald C. Reneflot Anne. Prevalence of mental disorders among Norwegian college and university students: a population-based cross-sectional analysis The Lancet regional health. Europe 2023. PMID 37927428
Kvestad Ingrid. Bøe Tormod. Sayyad Nawar. Skogen Jens Christoffer. Randal Sølve. Lehmann Stine. Potential traumatic events and symptoms of post-traumatic stress in unaccompanied refugee minors-a comparison with youth in foster care European child & adolescent psychiatry 2023 PMID 34537879
Hetland Jens. Hagen Egon. Lundervold Astri J. Erga Aleksander H. Performance on Cognitive Screening Tests and Long-Term Substance Use Outcomes in Patients with Polysubstance Use Disorder European addiction research 2023 PMID 37080181
André Syvertsen, Eilin Kristine Erevik, Elise Constance Fodstad, Lisa-Christine Girard, Puneet Kaur, Joakim Hellumbråten Kristensen, Eirin Kolberg, Rune Aune Mentzoni, Arne Magnus Morken, Dominic Sagoe, Ståle Pallesen An empirical study on attitudes toward gambling when sportswashing is involved FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY 2023
Nilsen Sondre Aasen. Stormark Kjell Morten. Heradstveit Ove. Breivik Kyrre. Trends in physical health complaints among adolescents from 2014 - 2019: Considering screen time, social media use, and physical activity SSM - population health 2023. PMID 37114241
Sivertsen Børge. O'Connor Rory C. Nilsen Sondre Aasen. Heradstveit Ove. Askeland Kristin Gärtner. Bøe Tormod. Hysing Mari. Mental health problems and suicidal behavior from adolescence to young adulthood in college: linking two population-based studiesEuropean child & adolescent psychiatry 2023 PMID 36843045
Skandsen Annika. Sand Liv. Teicher Martin H. Heradstveit Ove. Bøe Tormod. Exposure to potentially traumatic events and PTSD symptomatology in Norwegian 11-13-year-olds: results from the Bergen Child Study Child and adolescent psychiatry and mental health 2023 PMID 36870995
Erga, A. H., Hetland. J, Braatveit K. Patients with cognitive deficits and substance use disorders, a clinical population in need of focused attention Front. Psychiatry, 12 October 2023. Volume 14 - 2023 |
Hamina A, Odsbu I, Hjellvik V, Lid TG, Clausen T, Skurtveit S Fatal drug overdoses in individuals treated pharmacologically for chronic pain: a nationwide register-based study British Journal of Anaesthesia 2023. 2023
Karl Trygve Druckrey-Fiskaaen, Einar Furulund, Tesfaye Madebo, Siv-Elin Leirvåg Carlsen. Lars T. Fadnes, Torgeir Gilje Lid for ATLAS4LAR Study Group.
Dominika Kwasnicka, Keegan Knittle, Ainslea Cross, Torgeir Gilje Lid, Evgeny O. Taratukhin, Rita McMorrow, Gill ten Hoor, Sebastian Potthoff. Healthcare practitioners’ perspective on how to best apply health psychology evidence in practice. p 1006
L. C. Gjerde, S. Skurtveit, M. Handal, R. Nesvåg, T. Clausen, T. G. Lid, A. Hamina, P. C. Borchgrevink, I. Odsbu. Mental disorder prevalence in chronic pain patients using opioid versus non-opioid analgesics: A registry-linkage study.
Ranganath, P., Hjetland, G.J., Finserås, T.R. et al. Negative experiences, social exclusion and unwanted attention on social media: exploring the association with adolescent alcohol use. BMC Public Health 22, 2361 (2022).
Tore Tjora, PhD, Jens Christoffer Skogen, PhD, Børge Sivertsen, PhD, Establishing the Association Between Snus Use and Mental Health Problems: A Study of Norwegian College and University Students, Nicotine & Tobacco Research, Volume 25, Issue 1, January 2023, Pages 135–142,
Javadi Arjmand E, Bemanian M, Vold JH, Skogen JC, Sandal GM, Arnesen EK, Mæland S, Fadnes LT. Emotional Eating and Changes in High-Sugar Food and Drink Consumption Linked to Psychological Distress and Worries: A Cohort Study from Norway. Nutrients. 2023; 15(3):778.
Ove Heradstveit, Mari Hysing, Kyrre Breivik, Jens Christoffer Skogen & Kristin Gärtner Askeland (2023) Negative Life Events, Protective Factors, and Substance-Related Problems: A Study of Resilience in Adolescence, Substance Use & Misuse, 58:4, 471-480, DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2022.2161319
Karlsson N, Skagerström J, O'Donnell A, Abidi L, Thomas K, Nilsen P, Lid TG. Relationship between educational level and attitudes towards alcohol conversations in healthcare: a cross-sectional survey conducted in four european countries. Int J Public Health 2023.
Tvedt H, Stokke R, Lid TG, Selbekk AS. Problematic alcohol use in post-bariatric patients – a qualitative study. Tidsskr Nor Legeforen 2023. Doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.220449.
Mohaupt, H., & Duckert, F. (2023). Partner-violent and non-violent fathers' descriptions of co-parenting, Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 7(1), 38-54. Retrieved Mar 30, 2023, from
Belfrage A, Mjølhus Njå AL, Lunde S, et al. Traumatic experiences and PTSD symptoms in substance use disorder: A comparison of recovered versus current users. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2023;40(1):61-75. doi:10.1177/14550725221122222
Rune Andreas Kroken, Inger Margrete Hageberg, Torgeir Gilje Lid, Nina Wiggen, Håvard Midgard, Paul Joachim Bloch Thorsen. Bedre helse og lengre liv (
Næss O, Ekeland TJ, Arnevik EA, Aarstad J, Lid TG. Governing by commissioning services - Implementing alcohol screening and brief interventions in hospital settings in Norway. Eval Program Plann. 2023 Mar 8;98:102271. doi: 10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2023.102271. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36921405.
Karlsson Nadine, Skagerström Janna, O'Donnell Amy, Abidi Latifa, Thomas Kristin, Nilsen Per, Lid Torgeir Gilje (2023). Relationship Between Educational Level and Attitudes Towards Alcohol Conversations in Healthcare: A Cross-Sectional Survey Conducted in Four European Countries. International Journal of Public Health, vol 68.
Vigdal, M.I., Moltu, C., Bjornestad, J. and Selseng, L.B. (2022), Social recovery in substance use disorder: A metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Drug Alcohol Rev..
Lid Torgeir Gilje, Karlsson Nadine, Thomas Kristin, Skagerström Janna, O'Donnell Amy, Abidi Latifa, Nilsen Per. Addressing Patients’ Alcohol Consumption–A Population-Based Survey of Patient Experiences. International Journal of Public Health DOI=10.3389/ijph.2021.1604298
Veseth, M., Svendsen, T. S., Nesvaag, S., Moltu, C., Davidson, L., & Bjornestad, J. (2021). "And then the rest happened"- A qualitative exploration of the role that meaningful activities play in recovery processes for people with a diagnosis of substance use disorder. Subst Abus, 1-7. doi:10.1080/08897077.2021.1941506
Svendsen, T. S., Veseth, M., McKay, J. R., Bjornestad, J., Erga, A. H., Moltu, C., & Nesvåg, S. (2021). Securing Participant Engagement in Longitudinal Substance Use Disorder Recovery Research: A Qualitative Exploration of Key Retention Factors. Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health. doi:10.1007/s40737-021-00222-y
Hetland, J., Braatveit, K. J., Hagen, E., Lundervold, A. J., & Erga, A. H. (2021). Prevalence and Characteristics of Borderline Intellectual Functioning in a Cohort of Patients With Polysubstance Use Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.651028
Inger Eide Robertson, Hildegunn Sagvaag, Lillian Bruland Selseng & Sverre Nesvaag (2021) The hunt for a job: narrating the process of gaining employment for people in recovery from lives dominated by drug use, Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2021.1973962
Odsbu I, Handal M, Hjellvik V, Borchgrevink PC, Clausen T, Hamina A, Lid TG, Nesvåg R, Skurtveit S. Bruk av andre vanedannende legemidler blant opioidbrukere med langvarige smerter. Norsk Epidemiologi 2021; 29: 45-53.
Lid TG. Er det greit å spørre om alkohol? Den norske legeforening, Rogaland legeforening, 26mai 2021
Lid TG, Bosnic H, Eielsen TL, Sikveland B, Lunde S, Enoksen EA. ‘Pandemien påvirker LAR-pasienter. Covid-19 pandemien og situasjonen for pasienter i legemiddelassistert rehabilitering’. Fagartikkel i Rus og Samfunn. 2021.
Karlsson N, Skagerstrøm J, O’Donnell A, Abidi L, Thomas K, Nilsen P, Lid TG. Public perceptions of how alcohol is dealt with in Swedish and Norwegian health care. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2021.
Heradstveit O, Nilsen SA, Breivik K, Bakken A, Haug T, Hartveit K, Stormark KM. Past Year Cannabis Use Among Norwegian Adolescents: Time Trends Based on the Ungdata Surveys 2010-2019. Front Psychiatry. 2021 Mar 16;12:627479. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2021.627479. PMID: 33796032; PMCID: PMC8007792.
Heradstveit O, Skogen JC, Brunborg GS, Lønning KJ, Sivertsen B. Alcohol-related problems among college and university students in Norway: extent of the problem. Scand J Public Health. 2021 Jun;49(4):402-410. doi: 10.1177/1403494819863515. Epub 2019 Jul 18. PMID: 31319770.
Knapstad M, Sivertsen B, Knudsen AK, Smith ORF, Aarø LE, Lønning KJ, Skogen JC. Trends in self-reported psychological distress among college and university students from 2010 to 2018. Psychol Med. 2021 Feb;51(3):470-478. doi: 10.1017/S0033291719003350. Epub 2019 Nov 29. PMID: 31779729; PMCID: PMC7958482.
Burdzovic Andreas J, Sivertsen B, Lønning KJ, Skogen JC. Cannabis use among Norwegian university students: Gender differences, legalization support and use intentions, risk perceptions, and use disorder. Addict Behav Rep. 2021 Jan 15;13:100339. doi: 10.1016/j.abrep.2021.100339. PMID: 33604449
Thørrisen MM, Bonsaksen T, Skogen JC, Skarpaas LS, Sevic A, van Mechelen W, Aas RW. Willingness to Participate in Alcohol Prevention Interventions Targeting Risky Drinking Employees. The WIRUS Project. Front Public Health. 2021 Jun 25;9:692605. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.692605. PMID: 34249850
Svendsen TS, Bjornestad J, Slyngstad TE, McKay JR, Skaalevik AW, Veseth M, Moltu C, Nesvaag S "Becoming myself": how participants in a longitudinal substance use disorder recovery study experienced receiving continuous feedback on their results.Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy 2020 01 23;15(1):8. Epub 2020 jan 23 PMID:31973763
Agardh EE, Allebeck P, Flodin P, Wennberg P, Ramstedt M, Knudsen AK, Øverland S, Kinge JM, Tollånes MC, Eikemo TA, Skogen JC, Mäkelä P, Gissler M, Juel K, Moesgaard Iburg K, Mcgrath JJ, Naghavi M, Vollset SE, Gakidou E, Danielsson AK
Alcohol-attributed disease burden in four Nordic countries between 2000 and 2017: Are the gender gaps narrowing? A comparison using the Global Burden of Disease, Injury and Risk Factor 2017 study Drug Alcohol Rev 2020 Nov 18. Epub 2020 nov 18 PMID:33210443
Bemanian M, Mæland S, Blomhoff R, Rabben ÅK, Arnesen EK, Skogen JC, Fadnes LT Emotional Eating in Relation to Worries and Psychological Distress Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Population-Based Survey on Adults in Norway. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 12 27;18(1). Epub 2020 des 27 PMID:33375442
Hashemi NS, Thørrisen MM, Skogen JC, Sagvaag H, Gimeno Ruiz de Porras D, Aas RW Gender Differences in the Association between Positive Drinking Attitudes and Alcohol-Related Problems. The WIRUS Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2020 08 16;17(16). Epub 2020 aug 16 PMID:32824384
Heradstveit O, Skogen JC, Edland-Gryt M, Hesse M, Vallentin-Holbech L, Lønning KJ, Sivertsen B Self-Reported Illicit Drug Use Among Norwegian University and College Students. Associations With Age, Gender, and Geography. Front Psychiatry 2020;11():543507. Epub 2020 des 10 PMID:33362594
Hesse M, Thylstrup B, Seid AK, Skogen JC Suicide among people treated for drug use disorders: a Danish national record-linkage study. BMC Public Health 2020 Jan 31;20(1):146. Epub 2020 jan 31 PMID:32005222
Schønning V, Aarø LE, Skogen JC Central themes, core concepts and knowledge gaps concerning social media use, and mental health and well-being among adolescents: a protocol of a scoping review of published literature. BMJ Open 2020 01 27;10(1):e031105. Epub 2020 jan 27 PMID:31992603
Schønning V, Hjetland GJ, Aarø LE, Skogen JC Social Media Use and Mental Health and Well-Being Among Adolescents - A Scoping Review. Front Psychol 2020;11():1949. Epub 2020 aug 14 PMID:32922333
Tjora T, Skogen JC, Sivertsen B Increasing similarities between young adults' smoking and snus use in Norway: a study of the trends and stages of smoking and snus epidemic from 2010 to 2018. BMC Public Health 2020 Oct 06;20(1):1511. Epub 2020 okt 6 PMID:33023560
Veddegjærde KF, Sivertsen B, Skogen JC, Smith ORF, Wilhelmsen I Long-term effect of cognitive-behavioural therapy in patients with Hypochondriacal Disorder. BJPsych Open 2020 Apr 29;6(3):e42. Epub 2020 apr 29 PMID: 32345417
Bjornestad J, McKay JR, Berg H, Moltu C, Nesvåg S How often are outcomes other than change in substance use measured? A systematic review of outcome measures in contemporary randomised controlled trials. Drug Alcohol Rev 2020 05;39(4):394-414. Epub 2020 mar 9 PMID:32147903
Heradstveit O, Hysing M, Nilsen SA, Bøe T Symptoms of disordered eating and participation in individual- and team sports: A population-based study of adolescents. Eat Behav 2020 12;39():101434. Epub 2020 sep 16 PMID:32980592
Heradstveit O, Haugland S, Hysing M, Stormark KM, Sivertsen B, Bøe T Physical inactivity, non-participation in sports and socioeconomic status: a large population-based study among Norwegian adolescents.BMC Public Health 2020 Jun 26;20(1):1010. Epub 2020 jun 26 PMID:32590961
Hysing M, Heradstveit O, Harvey AG, Nilsen SA, Bøe T, Sivertsen B Sleep problems among adolescents within child and adolescent mental health services. An epidemiological study with registry linkage. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2020 Nov 07. Epub 2020 nov 7 PMID:33159591
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