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Avlagte doktorgrader

Under finner du en oversikt over avlagte doktorgrader etter opprettelsen av NKB i 2004.

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Marthe Gurine Førland, Cerebrospinal fluid alpha-synuclein. A potential biomarker for Parkinson’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders with Lewy pathology, Ph.d, disputas 19.09.2019.

Aleksander Hagen Erga, Impulse Control Disorders in Parkinson's disease, Ph.d, disputas 26.06.2019

Anders Øglend Bjørnestad, Motor and non-motor challenges in early Parkinson’s disease, PhD, disputas 14.12.2017

Ylva Hivand Hiorth, Falls in Parkinson's disease, PhD, disputas: 20.12.2016

Bård Flattun Lilleeng, Long term clinical disease progression in patients with Parkinson’s disease after STN Deep Brain Stimulation, PhD, disputas: 12.02.2016

Lars Fjetland, Endovascular stroke treatment at Stavanger University Hospital, PhD, disputas: 08.05.2015

Dominik Piston, Interaction partners and oxidation dependent complex formation of the Parkinson’s Disease associated protein DJ-1, PhD, disputas: 20.11.2013

Aurlien, Dag, Epilepsi og for tidlig død, PhD, disputas: 31.05.2013

Forsaa, Elin Bjelland, Clinical progression and prognosis of Parkinson’s disease – a prospective population-based long-term study, PhD, disputas: 17.12.2010

Dalaker, Turi Olene, Structural brain MRI and cognition in newly diagnosed Parkinson’s disease, PhD, disputas: 12.11.2010

Lode, Kirsten, Coping with multiple sclerosis, PhD, disputas: 20.08.2010

Ehrt, Uwe, Depression in Parkinson’s Disease, PhD, disputas: 07.05.2010

Pedersen, Kenn Freddy, Apathy in Parkinson’s disease: A community-based study, PhD, disputas: 09.04.2010

Testad, Ingelin, Agitation and use of restraints in nursing home residents with dementia. Prevalence, correlates and the effect of care staff training, PhD, disputas: 22.01.2010

Vossius, Corinna, Economic aspects of Parkinson’s disease PhD, disputas: 13.11.2009

Rudolph, Thomas, Long-term functioning and well-being in chronic idiopathic polyneuropathy and Guillain- Barré syndromPhD, disputas: 04.12.2009

Brønnick, Kolbjørn Selvåg, Attentional dysfunction in dementia associated with Parkinson’s disease, PhD, disputas: 14.08.2008

Figved, Nanna, Neuropsychiatric aspects of multiple sclerosis, PhD, disputas: 29.11.2007

Beyer, Mona K., Brain MRI changes in Parkinson’s disease – a cross sectional study, PhD, disputas: 09.11.2007

Gjerstad, Michaela Dreetz, Sleep disorders in Parkinson's Disease, PhD, disputas: 22.06.2007

Janvin, Carmen Ani Cristea, Cognitive impairment in patients with Parkinson’s disease: profiles and implications for prognosisPhD, disputas: 25.01.2007

Kurz, Martin, Genetics in Parkinson’s disease, PhD, disputas: 15.12.2006

Alves, Guido, Clinical disease progression in Parkinson’s disease, PhD, disputas: 06.10.2006

Sist oppdatert 03.02.2025