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- development of solutions that improve patient healthcare services

A process of innovation from idea to implementation can be a long and demanding journey. We assist with the further development of your idea and provide support throughout the entire project process, right up to implementation and sharing. 

We understand that you have many good ideas. In a busy everyday life, they are easy to forget. Do you have a need or challenge with great potential or a good solution? Share your idea, and you will hear from us! 

Submit your proposal to the Idea submission portal (requires login) 

Kenneth Austrått, project manager 

Phone 40048445 

Email: idemottaket@sus.no 


Steinar Mangersnes, Special Consultant ICT 

Phone: 99869941 

Innovation is about developing and introducing new and better products and services, but also about improvements in the business in the form of better and more cost-effective processes, organisational solutions and patient flow. 


Demographic changes, advancements in treatment methods and technology, along with rising costs, necessitate continuous development and improvement of healthcare services. Innovation is a crucial key to reducing the growing gap between resources and needs in the future healthcare system. You can find more information about individual projects at the Idea Submission. 


In Western Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Vest), ideas that offer the greatest benefit to patients, relatives, and employees will be prioritized. Whether you have patient experience, are an employee, relative, collaborator, or representative from the business sector, you are welcome to share your idea with us. We will follow up on your proposal and provide prompt feedback. 

Intellectual Property and Employee Inventions (expanding headline)  

Stavanger University Hospital encourages service innovation that reduces costs and/or improves services for patients, and innovations that contribute to business development. Ideas from employees with a commercial potential are reported to the research department in accordance with internal procedure.  

SUS has its own regulations (only in Norwegian) for intellectual property rights. Employees who have solutions with commercial potential report this in accordance with the aforementioned internal procedures. 

Western Norway Regional Health Authority's page on innovation 

SUH wishes to contribute to the development of new health industries provided that it is in line with the overall objectives of SUH. 


The overall objectives are: 

  1. Better patient care 
  1. Increased patient safety 
  1. Reduced workload or costs 


In SUH test services for industry, we contribute to the development of new solutions in close cooperation between industry, clinicians and other professionals. 

Read more about SUH test services here 

Send request 


Here are some relevant links to websites and organizations that have information and expertise on how products and services are developed for healthcare. 


Medical device development: 

The Norwegian Medicines Agency on medical devices 

Melanor (only in Norwegian) 


Norwegian Smart Care Lab 


Other relevant websites: 

Helse Norge: Clinical studies 

Norway HealthTech​ 

Validé AS 


Select: Procurement are subject to the Public Procurement Act (only in Norwegian). Keep an eye on DOFFIN and Sykehusinnkjøp HF’s websites (only in Norwegian). 

Helse Vest announces innovation funding once a year, which employees of Helse Vest can apply for. For 2023, NOK 16 million was allocated to stimulate regional innovation, in addition to the investment in quarter health trusts. 


The deadline for applying for innovation funding is normally in September – October each year. Follow the intranet or Helse Vest's pages for announcements. 


Read more about Helse Vest's innovation funds (only in Norwegian) 


Last updated 1/23/2024