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Stavanger Stroke Symposium

Accelerating Stroke Care: Implementation Evidence Based Practices and Cutting Edge Innovations for Better Care

Published 12/11/2024
Last updated 12/12/2024

19th-20th of November, 2024
Thon Hotel Maritim Stavanger, Kongsgata 32, 4005 Stavanger. 

Selected videoes from the Symposium speaches are available for viewing below:


Current state of acute stroke care in Norway, Bent Indredavik (Professor), The Norwegian Stroke Registry

Mobile Stroke Units-The Berlin Prehospital or Usual Delivery of Acute Stroke Care trial (B-PROUD) – status and future perspective for treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS) and intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), Heinrich Auderbert (Professor), Charite University Hospital, Berlin, Germany

The Flying Intervention Team: A novel endovascular stroke treatment care concept for rural areas, Nikolai Hubert (MD), TEMPiS Telemedical Stroke Center, Munich, Germany (Inv.)

Transport Strategy in Patients With Suspected Large Vessel Occlusion Stroke – Drip-and-ship or a mothership approach the best? Anne Behrndtz (PhD), Århus University Hospital, Denmark

Utilizing Artificial Intelligence to increase diagnostic accuracy of stroke in the Emergency Medical Dispatch Centre, Nikolaj Blomberg (PhD), University of Copenhagen and EMS Copenhagen, Denmark

tion Current and future perspectives on treatment of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), Else Charlotte Sandset (PhD), The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, Norway

The role of the Emergency Medical Dispatch Center in acute stroke care, Thomas Lindner (PhD), Director of the Regional Centre for Emergency Medical Research and Development in Western Norway (RAKOS)

cription The Norwegian Acute Brain Program, Maren Ranhoff Hov (PhD), The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, Norway

Lessons learned from Day 1 and implementation of evidence-based acute stroke care, Panchakulasingam Kandiah (PhD), Vice Director of Medical Strategy and Development, Western Norway Health Authority Region, Norway

Current and future perspectives on treatment of patients with acute ischemic stroke, Anne Hege Aamodt (PhD), Oslo University Hospital, Norway

Developing the best systems of care: Introduction to Implementation Science and the Consolidated Framework for Implementation (CFIR) model, Paul Barach Thomas Jefferson University USA; Imperial College, London, UK