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Røntgenundersøkelse, generell

Ved en røntgenundersøkelse lar vi elektromagnetiske stråler trenge gjennom den kroppsdelen som vi ønsker å studere. På denne måten får vi bilder som er svært viktige for å bestemme en eventuell diagnose og om du trenger behandling.


Røntgenstråler har en viss evne til å trenge igjennom menneskelig vev. Hvor mye av strålingen som trenger gjennom avhenger av vevets sammensetning (muskel, bein, fett) og tykkelse.

Når vi tar et røntgenbilde lar vi strålingen passere gjennom den kroppsdelen vi vil studere. Kroppsdelene har ulik evne til å stoppe strålingen. Strålingen som kommer gjennom kroppen, treffer en digital opptaksplate. Det oppstår svertning, og det blir mørkest der det er mest stråling. På denne måten får vi et skyggebilde på skjermen: Det blir lysest bak organer som absorberer mye stråling, og mørkest bak organer som absorberer lite.

Henvisning og vurdering

For å få behandling i spesialisthelsetjenesten trenger du henvisning. Fastlegen er den som oftest henviser. I noen tilfeller kan annet helsepersonell henvise deg, for eksempel til bildeundersøkelser (MR, CT eller røntgen).

Når vi har mottatt henvisningen, vil du få svar på om du har rett til utredning og behandling i spesialisthelsetjenesten. 

Les mer på


  • Du må fjerne metallgjenstander for å unngå forstyrrelser på bildet.
  • Hvis du skal undersøke korsrygg og bekken kan det hende du må tømme tarmen. Dette kommer an på hvor du blir undersøkt. Du vil få beskjed om eventuelle forberedelser i innkallingsbrevet, eller på avdelingen dersom du er inneliggende.
  • Er du gravid, må du gi beskjed om dette når du har mottatt innkallingen og når du møter opp til timen, slik at vi kan tilpasse undersøkelsen.


Som hovedregel tar vi to bilder vinkelrett på hverandre av den kroppsdelen vi skal undersøke. Noen ganger tar vi flere bilder. Når vi tar røntgenbildene er det viktig at du holder den kroppsdelen vi skal ta bilde av i ro. Enkelte ganger blir du bedt om å holde pusten.

Undersøkelsen kan ta noen få minutter eller opptil 1 time, avhengig av hvor mange bilder vi tar.  


Når vi får svaret på prøven, sender vi det videre til legen som henviste deg. Svar og eventuelt videre kontroller får du hos den som har henvist deg.


Department of Radiology

Kontakt Department of Radiology


Visitor adress: Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate 8, 4011 Stavanger
Entrance 1.


Visual guides can help make your visit with us more predictable. If you need to familiarize yourself with the surroundings before  your appointment, you can look through our visual guides here.

Parking garage  

The car park is located under St. Svithun Hotell, and has 349 parking spaces. These are reserved for visitors to Stavanger University Hospital and the hotel.  


Short-term parking  

There is the possibility of short-term parking at the main entrance (max. 15 min).  


Parking for the disabled  

Outside the main entrance (entrance 1) there are four parking spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility.  


Parking for long-term visitors  

Relatives must pay the full parking fee for the first three days, after which you will be able to buy a parking permit at a reduced price.  


Charging station for electric cars  

Visitors with electric cars park in the car park below the patient hotel, and pay as normal guests.  

If you have been to treatment, you can apply for financial support for the journey. If you need organized transport to get to treatment, you may be entitled to facilitated travel.

Read more about it here:

There are several bus stops along the hospital area, both in Gerd-Ragna Bloch Thorsens gate, Fylkeslege Ebbells gate and Ullandhaugveien. 
At the main entrance, entrance 2, entrance 6 and in the main entrance at the Psychiatric Division, there are real-time screens where you can see when the buses arrive and depart.

A taxi can be ordered using the automated facility at the hospital hotel's reception, which is manned around the clock. 

Additionally, the hospital's information service at the main entrance offers taxi booking assistance until 21:00 on weekdays and 19:00 on weekends and public holidays. 

Outside these hours, the security guards at the Security hatch are available to assist with taxi bookings if necessary.

The nearest train station is Paradis station (norwegian). This is about one kilometer from the main building. 
See Kolumbus or Vy for routes and timetables. 

Praktisk informasjon

As a patient, you will be served food on the ward you are in. If you are staying at the patient hotel, we serve the meals in the hotel's restaurant right by the main entrance. In addition, you can buy everything from today's dinner to snacks, baked goods and kiosk goods at the hospital. The Lyst kiosk is open 24 hours a day and has most of what you need when you are in the hospital. 

​​​​​​​​​​​​Food service in the department 

Breakfast, early dinner, evening and late-night meals are served in the departments. Serving times are set within fixed time frames, and the menu varies from week to week. The food service applies to hospitalized patients. Relatives and visitors can use the canteen, kiosk or café​​​​ The kitchen offers tailored meals according to food intolerances and allergies as well as halal and vegetarian considerations. The kitchen also has a children's menu. 
Several departments offer food service in the living room, with buffet service. If for health reasons you cannot come to the day room, you will be served the food in the room.

Café Morgenrød

Cafè Morgenrød serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also order hot food, desserts and coffee from the menu. "Today's menu" changes from day to day, with both lunch and dinner dishes. Morgenrød also has gluten-free options. 

The canteen Mattorget

At Mattorget you can buy hot food, baked goods, cakes, cold cuts, fruit and drinks. The canteen also has a varied and substantial salad bar. The canteen is open to all employees, patients, relatives and guests. You can pay by both card and cash. 
Monday - Friday: 08.30 - 16.30 
Saturday: 10.00 - 16.00 
Sunday and public holidays: 11.00 - 16.00 ​ 
At the mental health care clinic in Våland, you can buy lunch at Café Latte(s). They sell buttered, hot meals and have a salad bar. Café Latte(s) is open weekdays 10.00 - 1.50​. 

Kiosk Lyst

The LYST kiosk has a good selection of drinks, buttered bread and hot dishes. In addition, they sell small gifts, stamps and calling cards, personal care products, books, magazines and flowers. The shop is open around the clock. 

Snack machines

At the hospital, we have vending machines where you can buy drinks and simple food around the clock.​​ 

Wireless Internet

We are happy to offer free wireless Internet access to patients and visitors.

Access wifi

To access the WiFi service, connect to the network and a browser shall open.

New users

Each session will expire after 31 days.​

For first-time usage, access your web browser to axcept the conditions ("Godta vilkår").

Please note that signal strength may be weaker in certain parts of the hospital and during peak usage periods.​​

An encounter with the hospital can be one of the most important encounters in a person's life. With the help of volunteers, we want to make patients' and relatives' encounters with the hospital even better.

The volunteer service has two stations: one at the Information desk at the main entrance, and one behind the canteen.The volunteers are dressed in red and are easy to spot.

You can also call us when you have arrived at the hospital and we will come to you.

The Voluntary Services stations are manned: Monday to Thursday from 8.00 am till 6.30 pm. Fridays:8.00 am till 3 pm.

Telephone number: 91 19 59 62.