Video: Follow-up of first aiders
Finding yourself in a first aid situation can be a tough experience. When the ambulance leaves, one are often left with many thoughts and questions. We offer conversations with experienced health professionals where we can review the incident together and you can get answers to any questions. The offer is nationwide!
New telephone number for the offer is: 02415.
RAKOS has in collaboration with the Norwegian First Aid Council made an information film about this offer:
Follow-up of first aiders
Oppfølging av førstehjelpere
More information
For first aiders: Førstehjelpere - Helse Stavanger (
For health personnel: Oppfølging av førstehjelpere - Helse Stavanger (
For questions about the offer
Anna Moe Øvstebø
Project manager Follow-up of first aiders, Stavanger University Hospital
Tel: 986 11 155
Conrad Bjørshol
Senior researcher and chief physician in anesthesia, Stavanger University Hospital
Tel: 997 33 818
For questions or information regarding the Norwegian First Aid Council's work:
Thomas Berg Green
General manager of the Norwegian First Aid Council
Senior Advisor NAKOS
Tel .: 24 02 22 20 (Direct election 1)